Demon-Ninja from Tunguska

I said I'm starting and... More than two weeks just past away. As an excuse I must say it was hell of a half-month. I Have now home under renovation, but enough with excuses, time to write something. 

I will start with a blast and shine - with my tech-ninja. Or better to say Demon-Ninja. Where it started? I needed some better model for Raul Spector in My Tunguska Jurisdiction Command than hooded man in pajamas with two sticks or shotgun. I started looking for some good looking proxy. I haw "Outrage!" miniatures set, and like all the models. So I choose to use as Raul Spector someone with Mimetism -6 and high CC skills: Nakadai mercenary Oniwaban. Or more likely Oni-waban, because "Oni" are warrior-demons from Japan folklore. So this name fit's him well after I repainted his face in kabuki mask style. Without any conversion he doesn't look like Nakadai anymore and that was a plan.

Nakadai was one of m first models painted in new style. Later I will show you some of My 8+ years old painted minis, including first edition Nomads or even My first army - Haqqislam. End of digressions, time to go back to Raul Spector, Demonic Ninja 😉 He was a test for some new for me technics and tools like GW Contrast Paint.

I started from green glowing parts of his arms and all lines in his armor, because I wanted them to glow between the armor plates like something from Tron:Legacy movie. My Tunguska painting scheme is heavy inspired by this movie and many cyberpunk-SF vibes. I use for arms light green, wash of watered down GW Goblin Flash Contrast and highlights with white and finish with Vallejo Fluo Green. Lines between armor panels are also painted white and Fluo Green. Pants are painted with Blood Angels Red GW Contrast paint over black undercoat heavy drybrushed with white. I'm still testing Contrast use as a filter more than "all in one magic paint" and works well, but this time I tried to make highlights and shades in one coat, but... i think Demon Ninja needs some more highlights on his pants... maybe later.

For now, back to what I have don, not what I should do. At first I planed to paint his armor metalic red. Other Tunguska units have steel and metalic red armors, black uniforms and green glow lines. I use method I found very good and simple form metalic red many years ago - use some gold and cover it with some red glaze, like Blood For The Blood God. Now I use for it red GW Contrast Paint... but not this time. Old Gold was looking very good as a contrast for red pants and fluo green "muscles". After painting his face with red contrast and adding details I decided, that gold fits well to his samurai-demonic-ninja concept and it would be fare too much red. So it is how it is. Face was just light highlighted red contrast paint. I didn't made any face conversion, just painted black lips with off-white teeth and glowing green eyes. Model was ready.
Base is just Miliput and GSW rolling pin "Triple Hex" - I just love this pattern and used it as a standard for my army - with grey, heavy highlighted tiles and green Line od Fire arc.

For now Ninja-Raul is done. Someday I will ad on his back Nomad boarding shotgun... when it will be printed (i'm waiting for more than dozen of printed guns for conversions). But He is full painted now and ready to play. I added red contrast on his gloves, some green glow on his katana blade edge to show it's a weapon with some special abilities... end voila: My first converted-not converted model for Tunguska. He is what I wanted - solid tabletop standard with good proportion of work to effect.

In next episode you will see the prototype for My Tunguska Securitates.


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