Don’t cut your hand. Don’t glue your fingers

One of the most problematic things for many people in Infinity the Game are the metal miniatures. They say metals are hard to clean, hard to glue, and complicated to base. It’s a problem especially for a player coming to Infinity from a game with resin or plastic models. It’s something new and sometimes scares them away. So today a bit of simple advice – what I do with my models to make them fast ans simple ready to paint. What do you need? – You need an Infinity model. I used a Nomad Heckler from the Tunguska Starter Pack for this tutorial. It’s simple miniature with two separate arms and the main body. Sometimes you have miniatures with more parts but it’s not much more complicated – Tools. Today will be an episode with super glue and sharp tools, so be very careful with your modeling knife and other dangerous thinks! 😉 Tool you will need: - Sharp modeling knife. - Sharp, solid modeling clippers. - Some sanding paper or similar tool (more about this later). - Good cyanoac...