
Don’t cut your hand. Don’t glue your fingers

One of the most problematic things for many people in Infinity the Game are the metal miniatures. They say metals are hard to clean, hard to glue, and complicated to base. It’s a problem especially for a player coming to Infinity from a game with resin or plastic models. It’s something new and sometimes scares them away. So today a bit of simple advice – what I do with my models to make them fast ans simple ready to paint.  What do you need? – You need an Infinity model. I used a Nomad Heckler from the Tunguska Starter Pack for this tutorial. It’s simple miniature with two separate arms and the main body. Sometimes you have miniatures with more parts but it’s not much more complicated  – Tools. Today will be an episode with super glue and sharp tools, so be very careful with your modeling knife and other dangerous thinks! 😉 Tool you will need: - Sharp modeling knife. - Sharp, solid modeling clippers. - Some sanding paper or similar tool (more about this later). - Good cyanoac...

My First Girl... From Tunguska

First Tunguska Securitate and prototype model of Tunguska Jurisdiction Command was this shy girl in a very static and uninteresting pose. I started with the idea of making Tunguska coherent with my Bakunin force, painted many years ago in cold green with bare metal armor and red accents like kneepads and spacesuits sections joints. Webbings and pouches are brown because it’s good neutral color. I chose these colors for my Nomads during the first edition of Infinity but when sectorial armies pooped up in 2nd edition I chose to play Bakunin… and wait for Tunguska, my first love 😎 I like official studio painting, but wanted something to merge all sectorials in case I someday play Vanilla. I have a solid force of Bakunin, mostly OOP models, and like to plan ahead. For Bakunin I have green suits with some reds and polished steel armor, for Corregidor obvious choice was red suit with steel armor and some green details. Fits well in the schema.   STORY BEHIND THE PAINTING For Tungus...

Demon-Ninja from Tunguska

I  said I'm starting and... More than two weeks just past away. As an excuse I must say it was hell of a half-month. I Have now home under renovation, but enough with excuses, time to write something.  I will start with a blast and shine - with my tech-ninja. Or better to say Demon-Ninja.  Where it started? I needed some better model for Raul Spector in My Tunguska Jurisdiction Command than hooded man in pajamas with two sticks or shotgun. I started looking for some good looking proxy. I haw "Outrage!" miniatures set, and like all the models. So I choose to use as Raul Spector someone with Mimetism -6 and high CC skills: Nakadai mercenary Oniwaban. Or more likely Oni-waban, because "Oni" are warrior-demons from Japan folklore. So this name fit's him well after I repainted his face in kabuki mask style. Without any conversion he doesn't look like Nakadai anymore and that was a plan. Nakadai was one of m first models painted in new style. Later I will show...

Fresh start, old Badger

 Here we go again... or a first time in some way.  After few years I want to start painting miniatures and play wargames again. Starting with my old love from time of it's first edition - Infinity The Game. I'm now starting with new 4th edition and new army. This blog, my first blog ever, will be my motivation for regular painting. I hope 😉 I also hope it will be help or motivation for someone maybe to paint or play.   And this is the whole story.. almost.  Last answer. Why "Old Badger"? Because I'm old Badger and this is story behind it: Bors is My very old gaming nickname used in Infinity the Game and Warhamer 40k community and it's short from "Borsuk" - Badger in Polish. So here you see some old Badger learning new tricks.  We will see again.  Soon I hope.