Fresh start, old Badger

Here we go again... or a first time in some way. After few years I want to start painting miniatures and play wargames again. Starting with my old love from time of it's first edition - Infinity The Game. I'm now starting with new 4th edition and new army. This blog, my first blog ever, will be my motivation for regular painting. I hope 😉 I also hope it will be help or motivation for someone maybe to paint or play. And this is the whole story.. almost. Last answer. Why "Old Badger"? Because I'm old Badger and this is story behind it: Bors is My very old gaming nickname used in Infinity the Game and Warhamer 40k community and it's short from "Borsuk" - Badger in Polish. So here you see some old Badger learning new tricks. We will see again. Soon I hope.